Rodenator R3 Wired Remote Pest tunnel Elimination System

The amazing new low cost Rodenator R3
Rodenator R3 Wired Remote Pest tunnel Elimination System
The Rodenator R3 combines previous R1 and R2 technology into one great package. The R-3 allows the operator to manually flow the fuel while standing away from the blast. Igniting the gas is made easy by way of a 8 metre ignition cord with a detonation handle at the end allowing the operator complete operation from a distance. The Rodenator R3 comes complete, excluding the propane and oxygen tanks.
Package includes:
- Rodenator R3
- 8 metre foot ignition cord
- 1 metre detachable flex hose attachment
- 35 cm gopher/mole attachment
- 16 Meter (50ft) Top-grade twin fuel hoses
- Propane regulator (Harris)
- Oxygen regulator (Harris)
- Propane flash back arrestor (Harris)
- Oxygen flash back arrestor (Harris)
- Hearing protection
- Safety glasses
- Hard hat Combi unit
- Instruction manual
- Life time warranty on applicator head
- Life time warranty on internal electronics
- 1 year warranty on complete unit