Looking out for the Amazing new Rodenator R3, super tough, low cost remote Rodenator.
For more on the Rodenator pest control, see our pages on Farm Pest Control, Golf Course Pest Control, Rabbit Control, Mole Pest Control and Rat Pest Control.
To see where we will be exhibiting in the future and where we have exhibited in the past, please visit our events page
The pest control products are a great way to eliminate all of your burrowing pests, vermin and rodent problems, excellent at collapsing burrows and tunnels with instant results! If you've been plagued by moles digging up your garden, rabbit damage to your crops and want to know how to successfully control crop damage from rats and other pests, then the Rodenator is what you need to destroy burrows and get rid of those burrowing rodents from your land.
Collapsing the burrows of rats, rabbits, moles and other pests has never been easier with the Rodenator R3. Using a controlled mixture of propane and oxygen that is injected into the rodents burrow and tunnels. A built-in, self contained ignition system then ignites the mixture, creating an underground shockwave and concussion that instantly destroys burrows and collapses tunnels. The Rodenator R3 is a humane solution for pest elimination and are both fast and effective at burrow blasting and collapsing tunnels and they remove all your mole, rat or rabbit pest problems virtually instantly!
At Rodenator we understand the pressure facing British farmers after this long and difficult harvest, damaged crops will be difficult to establish and will need solid dependable protection from rodent and pest infestation. Listening to our customers, we have expanded our pest control equipment again to allow for different budgets and smaller pest problems. The Rodenator with full wireless control still leads the market as the UK's most advanced, powerful and best warranted burrow blaster destruction tool available! Also check out our newest low price Rodenator the Rodenator R3 Wired Remote Pest tunnel Elimination System!!!
We also offer factory reconditioned and used Rodenators. Fully tested and being offered with new hoses, regulators and safety equipment so you can rest assured the reliability is second to none as you would expect from the Rodenator brand.
For prices or to order the Rodenator R3, please call 01480 890 348 today!
Rabbit Control
In economic terms, the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is the No. 1 mammal pest in UK agriculture, which sustains losses estimated at a staggering £100 million annually, mainly through direct crop grazing damage alone.
Need help with Rabbit extermination? Then Look no further than Rodenator.
At Rodenator we travel regularly throughout the UK, both demonstrating the Rodenator and also supporting the 1,700 or more Rodenators already in use. We often see shocking yet needless examples of rabbit damage to arable crops. We are no longer surprised to see part or even whole fields grazed to the ground, needing to be re-planted at substantial cost in both labour and materials, while also disrupting crop rotations.
For more information regarding how Rodenator can help please see our Rabbit Control page.
Mole Control
More of a grassland problem than an arable one, mole damage includes sward loss, stone damage to mower blades and other machinery plus listeria infection to livestock through soil-contaminated silage.
Need help with mole extermination? Then look no further than Rodenator.
The Rodentor is designed to effectively remove this particular type of pest in the safe and affordable way.
For more information regarding how Rodenator can help please see our Mole Control page.